Introduction Alpine Linux is a minimal distro with package manager ( APK ) that is based on busybox and musl library . Like the CirrOS , it's very lightweight, but unlike it, it's full featured. In case you don't know me, my Linux distro of choice is Fedora/CentOS, in this post I'm going to bootstrap a QCow2 cloud image of Alpine Linux on my distro of choice. Using docker to bootstrap a working chroot Type mkdir alpine35-root docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD/alpine35-root:/data alpine:3.5 apk --arch x86_64 -X -U --allow-untrusted --root /data --initdb add alpine-base and you should get a line like this OK: 6 MiB in 16 packages so now we have a working alpine chroot in the directory alpine35-root Creating Bootable QCoW2 Image Because I don't want to format my hard disk by mistake and because I know Murphy's law, I'll take those 6MB as tarball and continue on a VM. dd if=/d...
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